Jeff Hays Films Bought Doctored Undoctored FarenHype 9/11 On Native Soil Politicians and Money

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I’ve got some incredible news to share with you about a spectacular new film called VISIONEER – This is The Peter Diamandis Story.

But more than that, it’s the story of you… all of us who are entrepreneurs and all of the people around us we want to inspire to be entrepreneurs.

And… I’m so excited to share the trailer with you today.


In this short video I will explain how becoming an affiliate will create the opportunity for you to earn the opportunity to be one of a handful incredibly fortunate entrepreneurial leaders to join Peter for a once-in-a-lifetime mastermind opportunity.

I love the fact that I didn’t make this film so that I can tell you what an amazing job Nick Nanton, and his partner JW Dicks did on this film. It’s not just my opinion…. they’ve already won a couple of Emmy Awards for their work on this movie.

I believe this is going to be one of the most important films of 2016. And you are being given the opportunity to join me, Nick, Peter Diamandis, Tony Robbins, and Richard Branson as we band together to spread the Entrepreneurial Movement.

I want to invite you to share it with your tribe as we are all doing. Let’s make this the beginning point of an entrepreneurial revolution! With all of us working together, I think we can ignite!

The bad news:

(let’s get it out of the way)

As an affiliate for an online movie launch, you don’t make a lot of money. Historically, you will average $0.35 to $0.40 per click.


the Good news is:

  1. Peter has generously offered to spend an entire day, exclusively, with the top affiliates who share the movie. This will be the opportunity of a lifetime that can’t be bought, attended, or earned in any other way. – all for just sharing a FREE screening of this movie online.
  2. Sharing a FREE movie is very “list friendly”. Meaning, that your followers see this as a perk you’ve arranged for them rather than another offer. It will create fewer unsubscribes than a normal content email from you.
  3. You will be joining an incredible group of people with an important mission, and sharing a message that your audience is hungry to hear.

This movie, this movement, this message; is going to be seen and talked about by your readers. Make sure they hear about it from you!